Mini Gel Tank

Model Nr.:
Lab #18
Mini Gel Tank
Life Technologies
Electrophoresic procedures

The unique design of the Mini Gel Tank allows you to run mini gels quickly, easily,and leak-free without any clamps or grease. The set-up time is only 30 seconds; justdrop the cassette clamps into the electrophoresis tank, insert the gels, and pull thecassette clamp forward. The perfect no-leak seal results in no mess and consistentperformance.

Dimensions: 11 × 12 × 16 cm. Buffer Chamber Capacity: 400 mL. Material: Acrylic. Electrode Wire: Platinum (0.010”diameter). Electrical Limits: 500 VDC or 100 Watts. Operating Temperature: 15˚C to 30˚C. Temperature Limit: 40°C.

The Mini Gel Tank is not compatible with chlorinated hydrocarbons (e.g.,chloroform), aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g., toluene, benzene) or acetone

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