SpectraMax Microplate Reader

Model Nr.:
lab #32
SpectraMax iD3
Molecular Devices
Multi-Mode microplate reader

The SpectraMax® iD3 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader is the cornerstone of a complete laboratory solution to help you expandthe boundaries of your research capabilities. With optimized reagents and the industry-leading data acquisition and analysistool, SoftMax® Pro 7 Software, the SpectraMax iD3 allows you to customize your workflow to perfectly match your needs.

It features a large, high-resolution touchscreeninterface with an embedded software package allowingyou to set up custom protocols, take advantage ofpreloaded protocols, and run your experiment withoutthe need for a dedicated computer workstation.

The SpectraMax iD3 reader measures absorbance,fluorescence, and luminescence. Featuring temperature control up to 65°C, orbital andinfinity shaking, a four-monochromator optical pathwaywith high efficiency gratings, well scanning up to a 20x20read matrix, spectral scanning and detection of plateformats from 6- to 384-wells.

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