Becca Outterside
An Exploration of Food Waste as Architectural Material
An Exploration of Food Waste as Architectural Material is a research project instigated in response to the excessive waste and CO2 emissions produced by the construction industry. With an urgent warning from the UN about climate change, the project explores potential, sustainable solutions to harmful construction materials and processes by addressing another international issue of food waste, to create new architectural materials from surplus food stuffs. The project focuses specifically on waste sweet potato and potato starch, testing various recipes and methods to produce materials and products with promising properties to aid in the pursual of a circular architectural economy.
Becca Outterside is an emerging, young designer who has recently graduated with a Masters in Architecture from the Bartlett, UCL. During her Masters she was able to pursue research into her passion surrounding biomaterials, focusing her thesis specifically on exploring the potential of food waste as architectural material.