Bio-Integrated Design (Bio-ID)
Biogenic Luminosity
‘Biogenic Luminosity’ is a research project that questions ‘flat’ appearance and unsustainability of synthetic materials in comparison to those of biogenic and geologic origin. Biogenic materials are synthesized in benign conditions and although often extremely minuscule are highly expressive and effective, like structural colour commonly found in living organisms. Wall segment presented here investigates perceptual depth and radiance of such thin chromatic ‘veneers’ in the context of built environment. Ceramic tiles are veneered with living microbial colonies who self-assemble in a highly ordered three-dimensional microscopic bulk that exhibits iridescence and peculiar luminosity.
Bio-Integrated Design (Bio-ID), Bartlett School of Architecture
Our urban habitat today is being fundamentally influenced by revolutions in biotechnology, computation and our exposure to the long-lasting effects of climate change. Bio-Integrated Design takes these revolutions as the foundation for developing novel and sophisticated design solutions to shape the future of our cities. Nina Jotanovic | Bartlett School of Architecture
Prof Marcos Cruz | Bartlett School of Architecture, Bio-ID
Prof Marc-Olivier Coppens | UCL Chemical Engineering, CNIE
Dr Silvia Vignolini and Gea van der Kerkhof | University of Cambridge, BIP