Nikoletta Karastathi & Zafer Tandogdu
Awareness of the Microbial World
The exhibits explore antimicrobial resistance and the human-microbe relationship as key concepts for creating bio-textile.
The scope of the textiles is to raise awareness of the global importance of AMR (T1) and also speculate for the creation of garments infused with natural antimicrobial agents (T2).
T1, textiles are made out of naturally pigmented bio-yarns showcasing the antimicrobial resistance rates of 15 countries and indicating the globally-interconnected complexity of AMR.
T2, the speculative textiles explore the possibility of homemade garments with bio-yarns infused with natural antimicrobial agents. Could this speculative garment help us create a natural protective shield and enhance our own microbiome?
The studio is comprised of a clinical academic and an architect. We are seeking for alternative and creative ways of engaging with the public and raising awareness of AMR. We use multiple means to achieve that such as hands on workshops, data analysis and illustrations, design of persuasive space, interactive design and speculative design.